10 Tips for a Scandinavian Styled Living Room


Scandinavian design has taken off around the world and become a trend. With all the information there is out there now,  it might all be a bit daunting.

You’re probably wondering where to start with designing your very own Scandinavian style living room. So, if you’re in that spot, then this guide is for you! Yes, you could always just rely on IKEA - but where’s the fun in that?!


What exactly is Scandinavian design?

Scandinavian design is a movement that gained traction in the 1950s. Shortly after the Second World War, there was a large shift in societal thinking. The idea of social democracy came into focus.

Barriers that had previously divided people like wealth, were dissolving. Finally, people believed that everyone was better being in it together. By extension of this, everyone should be able to afford a good quality and nice looking interior.

So, without any further ado, let's get stuck in! 


1. Colour - inject some colour into your living room!

This is one of the first (but not the first) things to consider when you’re putting together a Scandinavian interior. More neutral colours are traditionally seen as “Scandinavian”, particularly white, but also grey and navy. However, over the last few years, a wider variety of colours have crept in, such as dusty pinks, or pastel blues.


2. Bring the outdoors inside

There are a plethora of benefits when it comes to having plants in the home. And, we don’t just mean from an aesthetic point of view although it is a great reason. Scandinavian design is all about natural elements, and that includes nature by bringing a little bit of the outdoors into your indoor space.

Having more plants means that more carbon dioxide is being absorbed, and they help to keep oxygen moving. 

We also can’t forget the emotional benefits. A greener space can affect your mood, making you feel happier in yourself and your living space. And of course, lastly, they’re a brilliant way to inject some colour into a room.


3. Decide on a few key pieces of furniture

Finn Juhl believed that design should be done from inside out, and we agree with him. Furniture is the first thing we feel should be considered when redesigning your space. This is because it’s easier to take a bit more time narrowing down a few pieces you love and want in your home. 

You can then choose an appropriate wall colour theme to match. Although it seems counterproductive to do it the way we outlined above, it’s going to be a lot harder to make your few pieces of furniture fit with the colour scheme you’re absolutely set on.

Think of it this way: your walls as they are, are the canvas. The furniture and accessories you use are the brush strokes of the painting. Why limit the amount of canvas you can work with before you’ve even drawn the outline of what you’ll be painting?


4. Think about textures 

Textures are a great way to compliment layers (in fashion terms), but it also works excellently for your interior layers. Think of how your interior is made up of separate these separate layers. This way it becomes easier to decide each aspect without it seeming like some overwhelming task. 

Your wall colour is the base, your furniture and accessories (lighting, art) go on top. The smaller touches like vases and plants, cushions, rugs, and throws are the finishing touches.

So, for textures think about the pattern and style of your cushions, the weave of your throws. All these can add to the feeling of hygge and cosiness whilst still maintaining a modern and light space.


5. Consider your lighting

A lampshade is a lampshade… right? Well, not quite. Lighting plays a very important role in Scandinavian design because it’s one of the key elements that contributes to creating a cosy and inviting feeling in your home. 

Of course, they’re also a great way to express yourself and your inner interior designer. Either to balance a room out visually, or do the exact opposite and become a focal point of the room that your guests will comment on. 

Whilst we’re on the topic, one thing we’re trying to achieve here is soft lighting. No one wants to sit in a room that feels dark and dingy. Equally, they also don’t want to be sitting there squinting because the lighting is too harsh. A good balance and middle ground is key.


6. Put your furniture to work

Even if your living space has ample room, it’s still a good idea to be mindful. Putting your furniture to work so to speak, and being multifunctional where possible is always a good thing. After all, this is a lot better than filling all available space until everything is on top of you.

By using multifunctional furniture, you can have a neater home that has things that are more self-contained. For an added bonus if you do have leftover space then you can dedicate it to a hobby if you feel the need to. 

Why not feel inspired by your Scandinavian interior and start painting some modern or abstract pieces!


7. Add some wall art

Wall art is a brilliant way to add a dash of colour to your wall, add to the inviting and cosy feeling of a space over all, as well as express some of your own personality through art. All this whilst still being functional because it doesn’t take up any of your floor space!

Regardless of which style you’re going for, you’re sure to find something that suits you down to the ground within our bestseller posters. Or, if you want to add a touch of subtle colour, then how about something from our Botanical and Nature posters range?


8. Easy on the accessories 

Although you might immediately want to put all your nick-nacks back up once you’ve re-done your space, hold off for a minute. When you’re in the process of putting everything away before re-doing the room, have a think about what really deserves to stay, and consider decluttering

Otherwise you’ll have a freshly re-done room that’s quickly back to the same cluttered state it was in before. Of course, even if you feel you want to keep everything, you could always rotate what you display (assuming you have somewhere to store the others) as a way of making sure that they all get seen.


9. Think about how you can maximise the space available

We’ve touched on this briefly with multifunction furniture and “putting your furniture to work” as a way of maximising space. However, before you start framing your furniture as swiss army knives, take a step back and think about the best way to arrange the pieces you’ve chosen. 

By having the dining table and chairs in a particular spot, or switching around where you have your sofa, you can totally change the feel of a room. This goes for both visually, as well as giving the feeling of more space which leads to a more inviting and cosy living space.


10. Less is more - don’t rush to buy

Once you’ve finally finished your room makeover and it’s looking all lovely, don’t immediately go out to replace things or fill the newfound space you have. Otherwise, you’re back to square one. 

If you really feel like there are things missing or that there’s too much empty space,  how about a one in one out policy? (if you’re updating). Or a rule of buying one piece at a time over a defined period? (e.g. 3 months). This way, you can get used to the room as you add things.


Hopefully, you’re now all clued up on how to put together a Scandinavian style living room and you can get to designing your dream space! If you need any more inspiration when it comes to choosing your wall art, then why not browse our website for all your Scandinavian poster needs?


Written by Jack Luke Fitzsimons

Images sourced from Pintrest.